Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Half Way There.....

Hey PeepS? I just realized there are comments on this blogpost and just read them all. Thanks for the awesome words of encouragement. So Irealized I haven't really told you all what I've been doing...I have about 20 minutes to do it in so here's a synopsis.

We're half way through our trip. Can you believe it? Way crazy. We have been training a ton on how to share our faith. This saturday we will actually be teaching it to a local church. The schedule has changed up alittle, but for the most part we are on track.

The first week was grooling. We had a lot of training, morning, noon, and night. It definetly got the best of me. After that we started slowing down. We got the main point ofview of sharing our faith and at week three we are learning how to teach it.

We have been going into several villages to share our faith but also to do some projects. The people here are rediculously friendly, drive like maniacs, but yet there is no road rage. Crazy! Like I said, the people here are friendly, and are always upfor a conversation. The kids are SO Adorable too. We have so far painted two houses and havea nother one to paint next week.

Our time off consists of swimming and volleyball. We stopped at Mana Island a couple weeks ago and got in some good Snorkeling. That was a tad difficult because the tide was out, but it was pretty awesome to see all of these amazingly exotic fish! I loved it...although i realize now i'm a tad scared of open water.

The following weekend we spent our time at, supposedly, 'The World's 7th Best Beach.' Natadala (or there close to it). ITwas GORGEOUS there. Don't worry...plenty of pics, I will FOR SURE update this when I get home with everything. The waves were huge, and I got to body surf for the first time whichwas a lot of fun.

I'm thinking that's about it. We're going to do some more shopping in town today. Should be fun. OH! Today when we got into town there was a sweet show going on down at the market. There were fire dancers and breatheres and regular dancers as well. That was a great surprise to watch as well!

Hope all is well back home. Things are HOTHOTHOT here...and unfortunetly I lost out on that$100 bet John. I have a tan. :) I hope all is well and wish you guys nothing but the best!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

No Doubts. No Worries!

Hey ALL! Things are MUCH better here. God really worked in me through that low time...Did you have any doubt? He also used me and my situations to connected with others as well. I was just the messenger. He showed me to seek Him rather than others as others may destort your thoughts even more. Just seek Him and he will give you the answers you need; Psalms 27:1-3

Again all is well. Just wanted to stop by and give my page alittle lovin'!

Scott and I also went into town today and shared the Gospel with our new friend Paul. I'll keep you posted on that as well.

All is well!!

Monday, June 16, 2008


The first week is over and the shiny goodness of 'Fiji' is wearing off. We are all tired. We are all looking to see what God has in store for us. Many of us have seen him work in others. Many of us have already started to see his call. I am sloooooowly getting there. I am so anxious to know, I think we all have been there. So anxious that other thoughts are consuming my time rather than my main focus. I really just ask for strength and stillness right now as I battle through some personal struggles. I know that this is God working and all though I am pretty low right now, I know He is trying to show me something. Trying to work through that which has been neglected and really just put pressure on my heart and on my spirit. Even just in the last 12 hours I have seen some error in my ways and know that I will be growing from this.

I've been away from home numerous times in my life, but right now I am missing the community of Torch. I miss the constant support, the amazing worship, and the continual guidance that we have back home. I can honestly say that God is doing wonders with Torch and I ask that any of you that maybe reading this who are not involved get involved. Anyone that takes our community for granted, really look deep into what Torch provides for us. I miss all of you and know that God is with you. God is moving and that He is so Amazing.

Prayer Request: Spiritual warfare, stillness, and true and utter strength.

June 9, 2008 - The Arrival

Missions has always been on my heart since the first encounter of a 'Mission Trip.' Growing spiritualy for God hasn't always been uplifting, but He has showed me his love and truth for as long as I've been a Christian. But those downward spirals are the times that I had seen God work most.

Those dark times were the most progressive for me. I never asked, "why Me?" and pulle the 'pity card.' Instead I asked 'Why me?" and persued Him more. I wanted to know why he chose me to be his servant.

The trials that God has put me through the last several months has brought the question back into my mind, 'Why Me?' What more do you want for me?' What is Your will? And servanthood was his answer. That was the time that I became involved with our young Adult Ministry.

I started there with a need God showed me. A need for communication and community, and throught this position he brought to me a missions opportunity, and knowing my heart and ambition he gave me the money to be here. To show me and tell me 'why?'

Monday, June 9, 2008

Bula Bula Bula!

BULA!!! (that is the welcoming here). We have made it safely to Fiji and ofcourse it is Beautiful! Lush green mountains and the view from our training center is beautiful! We are the first to see the sun every day. It's Tuesday here and we made it to an internet cafe.

We met up with the crew in LA, and the 10 hour flight from LAX to Nadi (pronounced Nandi), Fiji was a breaze, if hot cramped seats are considered 'breezes.' The Evangelism Explosion crew was there to welcome us as we arrived into Nadi. The training center welcomed us with a sun rising over the misty lush mountain landscape. We will be waking up to that every morning. Trust me when I say, not to shabby....

We got a chance to come into town(all of 15min away from 'home') today and everyone is friendly. With in the first minute of walking the streets we were graciously offered weed. The Americans/Aussies that tend to 'holiday' here are the surfer type, so you see the confusion.

I had my first attempt at bartering. I don't believe I was any good at it, but I did barter the price down 2 Fijian Dollars...Not bad, Right? I'll get better with time I'm sure. I purchased a sari, which the women wear in the villages and to church. Its a sign of respect to wear one. My main concern about the trip was the conservative dress but It looks like I was over estimating the conservative culture. Tank tops are a no go, but my long shorts and tees are acceptable.

We have several Fijians spending the six weeks with us and have learned several different sayings:
Bula - Welcome or Hi
Vanaka - (sounds like banaka (breath freshner) but instead with a V)
Vanaka vaka le vou - Thank you very Much
Vanaka la li - Thank you very little - (already learning the sarcasm)

And some others I have yet to master. I'm sure I'll have more for you when I return.
In the meantime Ciao (that's spanish for goodbye. I have yet to learn the Fijian word).

Love you all with well wishes!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Beginning is Here

Oh geez. Here we go. Everyone just left the house for Josh and my's final farewell party. It's late and I still have, what feels like, a ton to do. Our flight leaves at 3 tomorrow from O'hare, to arrive in LAX at 5:15pm. From there we meet up with the other 4 crew members from the states and catch our 11pm flight down to Fiji. Should take us a total of 24hours to get to our training center and home for the next six and a half weeks.

I am SO looking forward to this summer and what God's going to be doing. Are you excited??!! ARE YOU READY?!