Thursday, October 2, 2008


And life goes on...

I've begun work at the gym. Boy..It is neither challanging, motivating, or rewarding, and makes me question as to if this is where God is really calling me. I initially went in with the intentions of working with people one and one with personal training. Currently I'm working front desk with the promises of working my way up into management. The longer I work there the less I see that as an option and I wait for God to move. In quiet time today I received a response from God just to be patient and trust Him, just like the Isrealites. (Numbers 9:17-18) They moved with the cloud and trusted Him with the path He had for them. I feel I need to do the same.

I've been praying about this. Everyday doubt clouds my judgement. Everyday I work, one more excuse comes up as to why I shouldn't be working there. I have a list infact...but in life we make sacrifices for Him to do His work. I'm wondering if these sacrifices are worth it. OFCOURSE they're worth it for His Kingdom. Anything is worth it for Him! But each day the 'con' list grows longer and longer, and the will to 'obey' becomes less. I have to continue to remember that, "It is a pure joy, my brothers, whenver your faced with trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance." James 1:2-3

Recently I have fallen into another situation. I work hourly, which means the days I take off I dont get paid...So should I be fighting to make up those hours? Or trust in God that He will provide the end to my means?