Monday, November 3, 2008
It seem as if life has just been going and I'm along for the ride. Has anyone else ever felt that way? My week seems to be all planned out for me. Whether it's work, ministry, or play. It seems as if I'm more running around than I am actually enjoying what I'm doing. Being on a different schedule doesn't really help. Life is pretty chaotic right now and I'm trying to get ahold of it before it spirals out of control.
Even though I work at a gym, you'd be surprised as to how much I actually workout there. It's just hard to find the time. I recently have started working with a personal trainer which has been AWESOME! It's made me feel better to be in there and actually feel a workout, which I haven't felt in a long while, probably not since those college soccer days. Its given me motivation, drive, and a peaceful mentality to know I'm on some sort of track and I don't have to worry about it.
November 1st was the first day of being 'on my own' technically, but I am still at my parents place for now. I will be moving out of my house sometime in the next couple weeks to good ol' downtown Libertyville. All of two miles away from work. Awesome! Now I have to make time to paint my room. Once that is accomplished, THEN I will be moving in.
This weekend was fun. I hung out with new friends and saw Relient K in concert at the House of Blues. That was definetly a good time. I also fell in love with Ludo. A band that opened for them. It was a great, fun, and busy weekend as usual... The plan for this week is to paint the room. The plan for next week, is to move in. Lets hope I stay on you look at the time you'll see it's 2am. This is how I live...
Bored? Enjoy some Ludo
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I've begun work at the gym. Boy..It is neither challanging, motivating, or rewarding, and makes me question as to if this is where God is really calling me. I initially went in with the intentions of working with people one and one with personal training. Currently I'm working front desk with the promises of working my way up into management. The longer I work there the less I see that as an option and I wait for God to move. In quiet time today I received a response from God just to be patient and trust Him, just like the Isrealites. (Numbers 9:17-18) They moved with the cloud and trusted Him with the path He had for them. I feel I need to do the same.
I've been praying about this. Everyday doubt clouds my judgement. Everyday I work, one more excuse comes up as to why I shouldn't be working there. I have a list infact...but in life we make sacrifices for Him to do His work. I'm wondering if these sacrifices are worth it. OFCOURSE they're worth it for His Kingdom. Anything is worth it for Him! But each day the 'con' list grows longer and longer, and the will to 'obey' becomes less. I have to continue to remember that, "It is a pure joy, my brothers, whenver your faced with trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance." James 1:2-3
Recently I have fallen into another situation. I work hourly, which means the days I take off I dont get paid...So should I be fighting to make up those hours? Or trust in God that He will provide the end to my means?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Flash Back
Ever feel like you have to move on and get away? Lately I have. I'm going to apologize to my friends that I have neglected recently. 'It's not you, it's me...'
It's been really hard trying to make my life decisions, sometimes you have to move on. It's been easier to push people away to try to focus on what's really important, such as life.
I feel like I've been missing out on something more important than just me. I could be doing more. Even being in a job for the last 11 months has been crazy. I get blinded by monotany and routine and every so often it'll drive me crazy. Through the months I have learned to supress it and mask it with, activities every night of the week: MNF parties, Karaoke Tuesdays, Bowling Thursdays, Party Friday, Party Saturday, Football Sunday, and it starts all over again. And oh how much fun we all had!!
It's difficult to fit something important in there. Trying to volunteer, work out...does anyone else feel that they get bored of the routine of life? Does anyone else feel that something more should be happening than just working, having money, partying, and drinking? I feel like I'm just wasting away waiting for something to happen. Waiting for my life to begin, but life is happening all around and I'm not taking advantage of it. I think about all I want to accomplish; getting back into my faith, trying to find my way, trying to help others instead of myself, and trying to be a better person.
I realize some people might not understand my thinking, but if we all thought the same way, we would have such a boring world. I have learned a lot from everyone, and love everyone for it. I knew where I stood in HS. I knew where I stood in college. I see where I stand at work. Now I have to find where I stand in this big world of ours. It might just be time to see what else this world has to offer me....
Wow! It's pretty amazing to read this and to actually know how far I have come. Four months after I wrote this I went back to church and began my search again for what is right. Knowing where I'm at now and knowing where I was at when I wrote that I can honestly say that I've come SO far. Can even go as far as Fiji! Never in a million years would I believe someone if they told me that I would be going on a missions trip to Fiji to share the gospel with hundreds of people! 2007 into 08 has really been absolutely ridiculous! God has really showed me grace and for that I am thankful! I am thankful that He never gave up on me and that He's loved me through my journey. He is such an amazing and loving God and for that I am truley greatful!
Abide in me, and I in you; therefore walk with me. Moses 6:34
The second half of 2008 into 2009 should be a true sacriment to Christ as I step in faith and follow the path to which I feel He's guiding me. Even then I felt the pull to help others, and that is exactly what I will be doing. Leading others to Christ. What better help than that? Life is too precious to waste. For the first time in three years I will be on my own, but not alone, as I will be abiding and walking with Christ. I will never be alone.
God is love.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
A New Beginning..
A lot has been happening; First thing is a job. I came back from Fiji trying to figure out my next step. Where to work? Do I go back to be a Missionary in Corporate America or do I make a step in a different direction? In the beginning of the trip we took a class to figure out what our strengths are. What are you gifted at? Naturally sports, by default God gave me the gift of athleticism. What's something you can do for hours and be happy with it? sports.
Well, apparently this wasn't the right answer. They're looking for something more corporate structured. I like competition, organizing, communication... I kept seeing sports and naturally athletically gifted. I'm sorry if that's not what you're looking for, but that's what I keep seeing.
I didn't think anything of it then, but coming home and by the end of the trip, God filling my heart with the love for kids I've decided that I needed to work with people, coach kids, and get involved with youth. I have excepted a position with Xsport in Libertyville where I will be working at the Front Desk. In the meantime I will also be working on getting a certification in Personal Training so I can work with people and invest in people, but this decision hasn't been easy.
Last week my previous employer called offering me a position, which could be temporary, to help them the next six months until they can find someone to fill the position. It was tempting. I could still work those six months to save money, pay down more debting, work on my personal training certification, and gain more experience in corporate America. I seriously considered it. But I got to a point where I needed to step out in faith. I could very well get stuck there again. Happy with the money I was making. Stuck again. Not persuing what God called me to do. Stuck in routine and monotany and happy with it.
I realize that I need to step out in faith and know that God will take care of me. I will be taking a huge pay cut by changing careers but if Fiji taught me one thing, it was how much a dollar is worth in Heaven. Souls are worth SO much more.
Last Tuesday I called my previous employer and gladly declined and am now stepping out of the boat, in Faith and I could't be happier!
Another update to come soon! Hope all is well. Much love. CAT
Monday, August 11, 2008
I Once was Blind....
Since I've been home I've been struggling. Struggling with how life is in America. Of course the culture shock was extremely difficult to get over. Americans are never satisfied and ALWAYS want more. We're always looking for the next best thing and never seem to be happy. Where as Fijians don't have much. A 30'x30' home, steel walls, matted floors, and some rickety wooden doors. Not much for material possessions. The clothes they have they share. We had to be careful, because in their culture if you compliment something of theirs, they will give it to you. They didn't have much, but they would give you the shirt off their back. They didn't have much, but they had faith in God, and that is all they needed.
I admit that I lose sight of what's really important. In fact I felt guilty that I lived in a nice home and had my own car, a good job. God has been working on that side of my heart for awhile now and I realize that I don't need much. Enough to live and survive but those material possessions don't mean much when we're six feet under. What really matters is where and what we're putting or time and money into.
If we look at our checkbook and see where most of our money is spent, is it for God driven purposes or self driven purposes? Is most our time spent in the word or with friends, TV, or work? I was shown the truth this summer. Fiji put life into perspective.
Television/movies/media, friends, Internet, drugs/alcohol, celebrities, work, money, and love are just SOME of the idols of today. I didn't realize how prevalent all of these and more are in our society, and how much weight our society places on these fallacies. No wonder why people are blind to our God. No wonder why we can get pulled away from church, quiet times, witnessing, prayer, or God Himself. We are bombarded by false idols hourly and need to recognize them as that. Being away from all of that this summer and being thrown back into America, I got a FRESH perspective of how our world runs, and it's scary.
Where are you spending most of your time and money? If we love God why aren't we spending that time with Him, in prayer, in word, in conversation? The next time you have time to sit and watch TV, could you be using your time in a better way to honor God? When you reach for that People magazine, could you be reading something to honor God instead? When you're driving in your car, could you use that time to honor God?
When I went to blog tonight, I had something else in mind, but apparently God has His own motives. I admit that I have changed. Fiji has changed me. In one sense I have changed...For I once was blind, but now I see.
Friday, August 8, 2008
While I was out in Fiji all of my 'coping mechanisms' were not available. I couldn't run without a buddy, and all of my buddys couldn't run more than a quarter mile(i run about 3). Of course TV, movies, friends/going out weren't available. There was no 'running' from my problems. I couldn't turn to anyone because I felt no one understood. That's when I turned to the only possible solution, God. I began to put ALL my trust and fears into Him. I started to turn to Him first. For the first time in my life I began to rely on Him more and more each day.
How many times do we run to others for encouragement, strength, or resolution? How many people do we consult before we confide in God? One of the biggest issues I faced in Fiji was feeling left out. A step behind the group. An outsider. And however tough it may have been, I was forced to be dependent on God's strength. God's love. God's will. Romans 8:18-30
In our world today we tend to confide in others first rather than confiding in God. Sure we can sit, pray and read His word, but sometimes our quiet times are not quiet. Music deafens, sermons interrupt, and excuses destroy our precious time with God. Even Jesus himself needed silence. Luke 5: 15-16; 6:12-13
So there comes a time where we need to sit, be STILL and LISTEN to what He has to say. Proverbs 10: 19; 19:20
Monday, July 28, 2008
A Tip from Paul
While our team was in India June 10-19, we were very stimulated by the sights and the sounds and the smells of this unique culture. One of the sights I will never forget was the abundance of temples and statues that we glimpsed as we motored around the city and countryside. Hindus have hundreds of gods and these gods are venerated by statues and small-to-large temples everywhere. The temples and the statues were quite colorful and the statues themselves were often very unusual. We saw a figure with what looked like a sheet draped over his head and body--kind of like a member of the Ku Klux Klan. We saw another figure with multiple snakes coiling out of his body--and the list goes on. Even the politicians had statues of themselves positioned in urban areas as a means of soliciting votes. It was difficult at times to distinguish between the statue of a politician and that of a Hindu god. I guess that only goes to show that what is true of American politicians is also true of Indian politicians--they can sometimes become confused and think they are god-like. Lord, spare us from politicians, and people, like that.
The sight of all of these idols and temples reminded me of a Scripture passage out of the book of Acts, a passage of Scripture that I shared in one of the churches I preached in while in India. In Acts 17, beginning in verse 16, the Apostle Paul describes his visit to the venerable ancient city of Athens, seat of classical learning and Greek philosophy. While there, Paul was distressed to see that the city was full of idols. Interestingly, however, Paul did not communicate any disgust or disappointment over this situation to the people of Athens. Listen to how the Apostle addressed his hearers in this great Greek city. "Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Now what you worship as something unknown I am going to proclaim to you." (verses 22-23) The Athenians were so afraid of insulting a particular god that they even created an idol for any god they had inadvertently overlooked in their worship.The lesson to be learned from Paul's approach to the Athenians is that it is important to find the best in people even when they are very much in the wrong spiritually. Paul could have condemned these people for their incessant idolatry; instead, he chose to compliment them on their religiosity. How receptive are those with whom we attempt to share the love of Christ when we speak in a judgmental way toward them? Not very! Paul creatively took a real negative and turned it into a positive that he could then use as a launching pad to tell the Greeks about the one true God, Jesus Christ. He even used one of their own idols as a segway to sharing the gospel. Is it possible that we could identify some of the idols worshiped in American culture and use those idols as talking point to lead to sharing our faith? If we are creative and dependent upon the Holy Spirit, I think so. And the people to whom we are speaking will respond to the compassion we show them rather than the condemnation we might be tempted to show.
There were Hindus gathered outside of every church we visited in India, wanting to hear what these white people had to say. Many of the churches had loudspeakers mounted in such a fashion that the whole village could hear what we were saying even if they weren't inside the actual structure of the church. God loves each and every one of these people; he isn't mad at them because they don't believe in Him and His Word. We, therefore, should never be tempted to anger toward those who disagree with us spiritually. Rather, let's pray that the Lord will show us creative ways to tell them about Jesus in a manner that affirms our respect for them and their value in the eyes of the Lord. I am convinced that this approach is the way that we can honor the Lord as we relate to people of other faiths.
There were Hindus and plenty of temples in Fiji, and it's hard to believe that the Hindus choose a god from their local convience store and worship them not having any full understanding. I found myself sharing the gospel with my brother and as he tried to elaborate on what he believed, throwing out the word 'Hinduism' and 'reincarnation,' I got pretty frustrated just trying to explain and let him know about hinduism, and clarifying for him what it meant to be a Christian and to bare a cross necklace. And there were plenty of times witnessing where I would get so anxious about the Truth that I would ask the Holy Spirit to 'quiet this person's soul so they may listen.'
Its about being patient. Listening to people. Gaining respect without arguing or putting down. But to be encouraging to others yet knowing that there is only one truth. It may take time for people to listen, but all we have is time. We are but a small piece in God's plan. We should take this example from Paul and encourage God's people. In God's plan. In God's timing.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Suva Clinic
The Suva clinic was a tad difficult and trying. The first day started off with 20 trainees, considering we had around 40 trainers we were alittle overstaffed. The next day, however, we had a bus load of 20 more clinicians arrive, with a total of almost 30 new clinicians for the day. Already missing a day and a half of training, it was going to be a hard week, and it was. My previous trainee, Alipate moved with my junior trainer Jess. It was time for her to step out of her comfort zone and be encouraged to be a leader. I was so proud of her. I know it wasn't easy but it was great to see how God really supported her and pushed her to do better and to know that she CAN depend on Him.
My trainee for that week was Titilia. She had learned the gospel before, but it was difficult because she was taught poorly. So she had to unlearn and relearn the information. However on OJT for th
As we head back up we ran into the group that was trailing us earlier. As we began swaping stories we found out they attempted to visit that woman as well, but that dog attacked one of the men and the woman couldn't calm him down, so they continued to keep walking (don't worry, the man was ok). God is good and he protected us....

The last two days of the clinic my trainee did not show up. However that Thursday I found out news that a good friend from HS commited suicide. It was a difficult process to handle. Here I am in Fiji proclaiming the gospel to many, but yet have no REAL understanding as to where my friends are with their own faith. IF only I had been there. IF only I could've talked to him. IF only he had known that we are NEVER alone. That GOD is ALWAYS with us...It was truley hard for me, and will be a constant reminder to talk to my friends about where they are, and not be afraid.
Matthew 28:16-20; 1Peter 3:13-16
You are Missed!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Yandra Vinaka!

Hey all...short and sweet. I'll probably get a chance to get back on here again, but here goes....
This week has been challenging. My friendships have been challenged as was myself. Trying to figure out what God's plan for me is difficult, believe it or not. I'm constantly trying to figure out my desires from what God desires for me. It hasn't been easy.
I have to get some answers about mission opportunities, but I have an idea of what I may be doing when I get home, but anything is possible, and I won't know until I get out there and God starts closing doors.
I have adapted fairly well to the lifestyle and culture out here that I'm scared to go back to the states. To get back into the hussle of Chicago. I was frightened just to go from Nadi, a slow tourist town, to Suva, a fast paced city. I've adapted but I have no idea how I'm going to react to Chicago. I miss home but it will be a challenge to adapt to when I get there.
I'll be home the 24th. See you soon....

Thursday, July 3, 2008
Latest News From Fiji
After dinner I had to step outside because of the 'authenticity' and started chatting up some of the kids. Most everyone speaks english, but that is their second language. The kids were amazing, talking my ear off, wanting to know about the states and ofcourse just wanting to have a good time.
After heading to the local shop for some late night snacks we ended up crashing for a long day of painting was ahead of us. And it was agood solid morning of painting. We painted three houses in our time here in Fiji and dug a trash pit, where they burn all their rubbish.
Things are suppose to be picking up. We have about three weeks left. I'm sad to see it go..
Sarah leaves on Tuesday...
Keep Praying for guidance, direcation, and patience.
Thanks for all your support. It is really appreciated and I'm definetly feeling God's presence in my life MUCH more! I'm looking forward to going home, but KNOW for sure that I'll be missing Fiji.
The Australian team gets in tonight, a whopping 18 of them to help with the clinics over the next couple weeks. So we'll have a cookout tonight for the fourth of July! WOO!! USA!! :)
Well be safe and see everyone in a couple weeks!!! MUAH!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Half Way There.....

We're half way through our trip. Can you believe it? Way crazy. We have been training a ton on how to share our faith. This saturday we will actually be teaching it to a local church. The schedule has changed up alittle, but for the most part we are on track.
The first week was grooling. We had a lot of training, morning, noon, and night. It definetly got the best of me. After that we started slowing down. We got the main point ofview of sharing our faith and at week three we are learning how to teach it.
We have been going into several villages to share our faith but also to do some projects. The people here are rediculously friendly, drive like maniacs, but yet there is no road rage. Crazy! Like I said, the people here are friendly, and are always upfor a conversation. The kids are SO Adorable too. We have so far painted two houses and havea nother one to paint next week.
Our time off consists of swimming and volleyball. We stopped at Mana Island a coup

The following weekend we spent our time at, supposedly, 'The World's 7th Best Beach.' Natadala (or there close to it). ITwas GORGEOUS there. Don't worry...plenty of pics, I will FOR SURE update this when I get home with everything. The waves were huge, and I got to body surf for the first time whichwas a lot of fun.
I'm thinking that's about it. We're going to do some more shopping in town today. Should be fun. OH! Today when we got into town there was a sweet show going on down at the market. There were fire dancers and breatheres and regular dancers as well. That was a great surprise to watch as well!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
No Doubts. No Worries!
Again all is well. Just wanted to stop by and give my page alittle lovin'!
Scott and I also went into town today and shared the Gospel with our new friend Paul. I'll keep you posted on that as well.
All is well!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
I've been away from home numerous times in my life, but right now I am missing the community of Torch. I miss the constant support, the amazing worship, and the continual guidance that we have back home. I can honestly say that God is doing wonders with Torch and I ask that any of you that maybe reading this who are not involved get involved. Anyone that takes our community for granted, really look deep into what Torch provides for us. I miss all of you and know that God is with you. God is moving and that He is so Amazing.
Prayer Request: Spiritual warfare, stillness, and true and utter strength.
June 9, 2008 - The Arrival
Those dark times were the most progressive for me. I never asked, "why Me?" and pulle the 'pity card.' Instead I asked 'Why me?" and persued Him more. I wanted to know why he chose me to be his servant.
The trials that God has put me through the last several months has brought the question back into my mind, 'Why Me?' What more do you want for me?' What is Your will? And servanthood was his answer. That was the time that I became involved with our young Adult Ministry.
I started there with a need God showed me. A need for communication and community, and throught this position he brought to me a missions opportunity, and knowing my heart and ambition he gave me the money to be here. To show me and tell me 'why?'
Monday, June 9, 2008
Bula Bula Bula!
We met up with the crew in LA, and the 10 hour flight from LAX to Nadi (pronounced Nandi), Fiji was a breaze, if hot cramped seats are considered 'breezes.' The Evangelism Explosion crew was there to welcome us as we arrived into Nadi. The training center welcomed us with a sun rising over the misty lush mountain landscape. We will be waking up to that every morning. Trust me when I say, not to shabby....
We got a chance to come into town(all of 15min away from 'home') today and everyone is friendly. With in the first minute of walking the streets we were graciously offered weed. The Americans/Aussies that tend to 'holiday' here are the surfer type, so you see the confusion.
I had my first attempt at bartering. I don't believe I was any good at it, but I did barter the price down 2 Fijian Dollars...Not bad, Right? I'll get better with time I'm sure. I purchased a sari, which the women wear in the villages and to church. Its a sign of respect to wear one. My main concern about the trip was the conservative dress but It looks like I was over estimating the conservative culture. Tank tops are a no go, but my long shorts and tees are acceptable.
We have several Fijians spending the six weeks with us and have learned several different sayings:
Bula - Welcome or Hi
Vanaka - (sounds like banaka (breath freshner) but instead with a V)
Vanaka vaka le vou - Thank you very Much
Vanaka la li - Thank you very little - (already learning the sarcasm)
And some others I have yet to master. I'm sure I'll have more for you when I return.
In the meantime Ciao (that's spanish for goodbye. I have yet to learn the Fijian word).
Love you all with well wishes!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
The Beginning is Here
I am SO looking forward to this summer and what God's going to be doing. Are you excited??!! ARE YOU READY?!